Taecyeon Short Hair
Friday, June 24, 2011

Taecyeon hair.
For many east Asian men, the flamboyant and sometimes incredibly feminine hairstyles and dress sense of many of the top pop stars can leave them cold and does not appeal to their own personal sense of style and looks. One of the popular styles is the simple army style of Taecyeon from the band 2PM.

Taecyeon short hair.
In contrast to the androgynous styles that have dominated the heads of pop stars not only in Korea, but also in China, Taiwan and the rest of the region, Taecyeon sports a simple short hairstyle with spiky on the top of head as concession to the need to look fashionable in today's world of pop however talented a singer or rapper you are.
Although not as immediately striking as the more showy styles that have come to characterize the hairstyles of the majority of male Korean pop stars, the simplicity and unassuming nature of his haircut has won a legion of fans and imitators as this lack of pretension matches his open face and conveys a sense of openness that the K-Pop scene is often accused of lacking.
Unlike the more extreme fashion victim haircuts we see in the country today with long hair styled in surprising and sometimes baffling ways, Taecyeon hair also has the advantage for his fans employed by more conservative workplaces that it does not need to be covered, altered or hidden to turn up to work since it is very close to standard army styles.
Providing for many the perfect balance of style and practicality, this style is walking a very thin line at the moment and whether he will fall off into being too fashionable or too practical or keep his balance is something that at this moment we can only speculate upon.
Mens Hairstyles,
Short Hairstyles,
spiky hairstyles
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